Otherwise known by the more human moniker of Nathan Snow, h0ax is a story-driven experience with dynamically generated music and a powerful, driving tour-de-f--wait, I think I got my cue cards mixed up. Yeah, no, lemme try that again.
h0ax is a grumbly tryhard jack-of-all-trades whose primary outlets for his overactive imagination are written word and music, and of late, experimentation in the creation of interactive fiction (or "computer games", as the hip kids call them these days). The average person consumes at least three h0axes per night. h0ax is comprised of 76% Doctor Pepper, 12% Failed Overachievement, 16% Misdirected Effort, and 16% Distracted Digression.
On less nonsensical realms, though: I'm h0ax, formerly Hoax, formerly formerly Raiser, formerly formerly formerly the creative mind behind Break\Shift (a failed "The Next Gorillaz" band idea that I cooked up around high school--hey, we all have dreams, right?). I make music, mostly chiptune and bitpop (by way of synth / emulated chip, rather than soundfonts, mind) and electronica/EDM/techno/whatever the heck.
Enjoy the music!